Monday, 9 October 2017

Drei Schwarze Krähen Pech

February 18, 2016 Skeptical Inquirer is now available digitally on Apple Newsstand and on all other major platforms through the Pocketmags app. Deniers are not Skeptics December 5, 2014 Public discussion of scientific topics such as global warming is confused by misuse of the term 8220skeptic.8221 Forbes columnist Steven Salzberg and author-investigator Joe Nickell will each be awarded the 2012 Robert P. Balles Prize in Critical Thinking, to be presented by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry at the CFI Summit in October. Common Superstitions CSI is not responsible for the content of this advertisement Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day A rabbits foot brings good luck An apple a day keeps the doctor away To find a four-leaf clover is to find good luck If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck If a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck To open an umbrella in the house is to bring bad luck To find a horseshoe brings good luck Step on a crack, break your mothers back You can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle Garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires Our fate is written in the stars At the end of a rainbow is a pot of gold Clothes worn inside out will bring good luck Wearing your birthstone will bring you good luck If you blow out all of the candles on your birthday cake with the first breath you will get whatever you wish for To have a wish come true using a wishbone, two people make a wish, then take hold of each end of the bone and pull it until it separates. The person with the longer end gets his or her wish An itchy palm means money will come your way A beginner will always have good luck: beginners luck A cat has nine lives Eating fish makes you smart Toads cause warts A cricket in the house brings good luck Crossing your fingers helps to avoid bad luck and helps a wish come true It is bad luck to sing at the table It is bad luck to sleep on a table After receiving a container of food, the container should never be returned empty A lock of hair from a babys first haircut should be kept for good luck A bird that comes in your window brings bad luck To refuse a kiss under mistletoe causes bad luck Goldfish in the pond bring good luck Goldfish in the house bring bad luck For good luck, wear new clothes on Easter An acorn at the window can keep lightning out of the house If the bottom of your feet itch, you will make a trip When a dog howls, death is near It is bad luck to chase someone with a broom A sailor wearing an earring cannot drown To find a penny heads up, brings good luck To cure a sty, rub it with a gold wedding band Animals can talk at midnight on Christmas Eve A drowned woman floats face up, a drowned man floats face down A person cannot drown before going under three times To drop a fork means a woman will visit To drop a knife means a man will visit To drop a spoon means a child will visit To drop a dishcloth means bad luck is coming If you shiver, someone is casting a shadow on your grave To make a happy marriage, the bride must wear: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue The wedding veil protects the bride from the evil eye Washing a car will bring rain You must get out of bed on the same side you got in on or you will have bad luck Evil spirits cannot harm you when you are standing in a circle A cat will try to take the breath from a baby Warm hands, cold heart Cold hands, warm heart It is unlucky to rock an empty rocking chair To kill an albatross is to cause bad luck to the ship and all upon it Wearing an opal when it is not your birthstone is bad luck Smell dandelions, wet the bed To give someone a purse or wallet without money in it will bring that person bad luck A forked branch, held with a fork in each hand, will dip and point when it passes over waterThe Black Crow Superstition Black Crow Superstition During our evening walk around the neighborhood, my daughter and I saw many black crows flying above our heads. As we entered a certain spot on the sidewalk, the black crows started squawking louder and came closer and closer to our heads. To our surprise, there was a smaller black crow laying between the sidewalk curb and the street. The black crow was also squawking pretty loud. My daughter automatically said oh mom, please help the poor bird. Covering my head and telling my daughter to hurry, I walked passed the hurt black crow and headed home. Why, did I not help the black crow I was and I am still a little black crow superstitious. Have you ever heard that black crows are bad luck Or that the black crow represents death Black crow superstition is silly to some people, but to others the superstition is taken very seriously. What seemed like an hour, speed walking home, it was really only a five minute walk back. My daughter couldnt wait to get home and tell her Dad about the hurt black crow. Although, I felt guilty for not stopping and helping the injured black crow, I knew my boyfriend wouldnt hesitate to help the injured animal. He loves exotic animals and exotic pets. Like I figured, my daughter and her Dad grabbed a box and walked down the block to rescue the black crow. Within minutes, they were on the porch petting, examining, and talking to the injured bird. Peeking my head out the front door, it seemed like the crow was as big as a raven. However, the crow was just a baby bird. As my boyfriend carried the crow into the house, I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers, praying it would not bring any bad luck or deaths, The black crows feathers were all ruffled and it looked as if a cat or predator attacked it. You can see the original photo taken of the injured black crow at the top of this article. There was no noticeable blood or broken limbs on the crow. Therefore, we assumed that the bird must of fell out of its nest and couldnt yet fly. Not knowing what next to do with the bird, I got online and did some research on black crow superstition, black crow diseases and general black crow information. Such as: What do black crows eat I thought I would write this article to not only share my black crow superstition story but to also clue other people in on what information is needed if they find an injured black crow or exotic animal that needs cared for. What do black crows eat Crows are omnivores and they will eat just about anything. They are known to eat on dead fish or animals. They will also eat human garbage, eggs, fish, mice, worms and frogs. Their diet should consist of a lot of protein. If you have found a black injured crow, you should try to feed it various grains and or unsalted sunflower seeds if you dont have worms on hand. Do black crows carry diseases People usually associate black crows to the West Nile Virus infection. Therefore, the population of black birds have decreased since 1999. Research studies of the black crow disease (West Nile Virus), shows that it can not be transmitted to humans. I do recommend anyone in contact with any exotic animal should not place the animal near their face. Make sure after handling a black crow or an exotic animal that you wash your hands in soap and hot water. Some people have said that Black crows and other exotic animals also carry animal or bird lice. So what about black crow superstition Many people believe that black crows represent death and the superstition continues to travel because of the black crows reputation. People believe this superstition because they eat dead animals and flocks or groups of crows are known as A Murder. Bird Intelligence Many people are not aware that the black crow is one of the most intelligent birds. Their communications and abilities to survive show great intelligence. The are known to mimic other bird sounds and some believe they learn to talk better than most pet birds. Can you keep a black crow as a pet It is not recommended to keep a black crow as a pet. Crows need to be with other crows and if you see a crow that isnt able to fly, you should call animal patrol or safely place the black crow in the nearest tree. Black crows have many family members that will help them learn how to fly, eat and protect themselves. So back to my story about the black crow that we rescued. We babied the crow and kept it overnight. Throughout the night, the bird perched on my boyfriends finger and was very tame. He then let it rest in the cardboard box. He placed a clean towel down for padding, gave it water and tried to feed it. However, the bird just rested and had no appetite. My daughter and boyfriend was able to pet the bird without any problems. I on the other hand, kept my distance from the black crow. In the early morning, the black crow was making loud squawking noices. My boyfriend took the crow out to the patio to see if it was able to fly yet. Unfortunately, the bird could not yet fly. Outside we could see the crows family flying around and squawking loudly. It was like the crows parents were looking for their baby. We then decided to take the black crow back to where we found it so that the crows family could find him/her. The older black crows recognized their baby and started being very protective. Loud Cah-Cah noices and swooping over my boyfriends head getting closer and closer. Later that day we went to go check on the crow and it was gone. We believe it was either hiding from people or it was able to follow its family to a safe habitat. Overall, it was a great experience and hopefully the exotic bird is safe. If you have had a similar animal rescue experience, please take time to comment below this post. I would enjoy learning more about black crows, exotic animals and exotic pets. mockingbird303 Good For you for taking care of Oscar. Best of luck to you. Thanks for sharing your story. mockingbird303 4 years ago My daughter came home from taking her siblings to the bus stop. she says to me that a baby bird was on the ground and some kids were being mean to it. we went to check on it and sure nuff, was laying there, helpless. the family was pissed but i couldnt leave it there, not where we live and not with the animal loving kids that i have raised. so, we called animal control as we sat there with it. when they came the lady told me if they take it they will have to euthanize it. i looked at my daughter and i said no, i cant allow that. so she gave me the number to some rehabilitation places, but they couldnt come get it. so, here it is, 2 weeks later and he still lives with us, we feed his hungry butt very often with soaked dog food, chicken etc. he hears my voice and goes crazy. i have told my kids, when his flight feathers come in (the sibling plucked out the feathers) we will release him an hope that the family hasnt givin up hope. he fell out of the nest with a push from the sibling we believe. i believe he was the weaker one in the nest from the looks of him. but he has gained weight, looks happy and healthy. down feathers are coming in nicely. i know we can not keep him, so i am trying not to get attached to it. but we did name him, and his name is oscar. lol he is a grouchy bird, but has never pecked any of us. unforturnatly he can not perch yet. we keep our fingers crossed for this fella. as oscar needs his family back. Christine 4 years ago I found this great hub as I searched for crow info as we have a murder (family) of crows who have taken to roosting in our very tall trees in the backyard. Today we heard intense screams and calls from three or four trees and one of the family members was on our gate, and seemed to be injured. It hopped/fell from the fence, the other crows began cawing and screeching as the bird hopped into our neighbors yard. My husband was concerned about West Nile Virus, the bird has now hopped into our dense shrubbery in the backyard and the other birds are gathered acound the trees, still. It is amazing how intensely protective these animals are I was very reassured to learn transmission of disease is uncommon, and will look tomorrow morning for the injured bird. I will also be sure to tie out my dogs rather than allowing them to run the yard before I find the bird, if he/she is still in the back of our yard. Again, thank you What interesting birds crows are I do hope, though, that they dont take up residence in our yard as they seem to drown out all other bird song and we love the finches, cardinals, robins, and hummingbirds and crows do seem to demand a lot of attention with their language and social structure I had a black crow fall from the sky and nearly hit my car I braked and turn so I wont hit it and when I looked down all I could see was a sort of a flatten crow it was a fully grown one I turn to go around it and around the corner as I was holding traffic up and when I looked back it was gone its the most freaky thing I have every seen I am not sure what happened or what it means Peter Geekie 4 years ago from Sittingbourne Thank you Tammy for the tale of the Black Crow. They are one of the most intellegent birds which is why many people fear them and talk in terms of Black Magic - this is total nonsense. As a boy in Devon I had a Black Crow as a pet (or to be more accurate she had me as a pet ) Every morning she would come to the house, pick up a pebble in her beak and bang on the glass of the kitchen window. She would do this 3 times a day and each time was rewarded with a small pork chop. Great character, she was, until one she came no more. ishwaryaa22 4 years ago from Chennai, India Very nice story about your family nursing the feeble baby crow and your knowledge of black crow supersition piqued my reading interest. This supersition reminded me of the horror film Omen-II where the evil crow is a minor yet integral part of this film. When I was in higher studies at school, in my home, my mom found a pigeon building a nest in our balcony. In my country, birds inside the house is considered not good for the house. However, this pigeon laid 2 eggs. Mom allowed it to stay. We gave it a tiny cup of water a small portion of grains daily. One unfortunate day, it fought with the crow and that crow won. I and my mom did not know this until we saw the crows feathers. We saw that the pigeon lost her eggs. We felt sorry. She looked very upset and after few days, she flew away. She sometimes visited our balcony and I sensed its gratitude inspite of its sad loss. I hoped she have more babies be more careful with them. Thanks for SHARING. Interesting. Voted up Socially shared. Leslie 4 years ago Many years ago when I was an 8 year old school boy and living in a medium sized country town we used to visit the back of a Hotel, because they had a talking Parrot there, and it was fun. Unfortunately some one taught the Parrot how to swear, and quite well. So the Parrot disappeared. Months and Months later, we noticed that the Hotel had placed a Black Crow into the old Parrots Bird Cage, and by the time we had discovered the Crow, it was already talking, and much to our surprise, much better than the old Parrot ever was. When I say better than the Parrot the pronuniciation of the words was much clearer, more like that of a real person than a bird. Ive since heard another Crow talking and it too has very clear sounds. AdmiralJoraxx 5 years ago from Philippines That crow is still young maybe he is still not able to carry out superstitions. haha I have heard this crow superstition a lot. It was said that they actually act as takers or keepers of the souls. Though I dont believe in it fully. Thanks for sharing this. great read. 1 vote up tammyfrost 5 years ago from Oregon Author chloe It is nice to hear you want to keep it but I have heard that it is recommended that you contact animal control. My story above was the first time I had experience with a black crow but above Amy stated The best thing for short term feeding a baby crow is dry dogfood soaked in water. You are welcome to read the above article again and the comments to get additional tips. Please let me know what happens. Good Luck to you. chloe bammann 5 years ago Hi again, just left something out. I have been seeing this crow for about 5 weeks but it is getting ready to fly and it is like it doesnt even know me any more. i really want to keap it so can you give me some facts about having a crow around my house as a pet. chloe bammann 5 years ago How about baby crows. i have one at my house and people say they make good pets. can i keep it or not jacqui2011 5 years ago from Leicester, United Kingdom What a great hub and so well written. I would help any sick or injured animal as I love all animals and birds. When I lived in Scotland I kept a pony at a local yard. On the stable floor one day was a pigeon just sitting in the straw. It couldnt fly, but didnt appear to be injured. I took it to my dad and he kept it in his garage for a few days feeding it up and allowing it to rest. We took it back up to the stables to see if it could fly and it could. It took off and flew away, then came back and circled above us before flying off. My daughter says it was saying thank you I think it must have been stunned or exhausted, but was fine after a few days of rest. Amy Leu 5 years ago I enjoyed reading your story of the crow. They steal my heart:0 I am a state and federally permitted wild bird rehabilitator and have a non-profit wild bird sanctuary with a crow and 2 ravens. You did the best thing when a bird is not injured and that is putting it back to the parents and family. Baby crows are always very tame and imprint easily, hence the reason for 2 of my ravens, one of whixh talks. Once a person imprints a crow or raven, the bird family will never take it in and the baby has no clue as to how to act like a bird. The best thing for short tern feeding a baby crow is dry dogfood soaked in water. Most people have no clue that is is illegal for the public to keep a bird, they need to turn it over to a liscened rehabber with the permits. I commend you for doing what was best for the precious:) Erin LeFey 5 years ago from Maryland Wonderful hub I came across it when I was doing google research for my own hub I linked it to mine. I love the story about the injured bird and the other information you provided. I voted you up, Namaste. onthefence 5 years ago This is a great story. Im on the fence on whether I like crows or not. I have a murder of crows camping behind my house. I am constantly clean bird droppings of my cars because it is so harmful to the paint. Some of my neighbours cars are completely covered with droppings and it is nasty On the other hand they are super smart. For instance they wake up early and fly north every day at first light. Its like they go to work. Then they return in the evening. They also have a weird rotation they do. They will disappear for a night or two then return in all their pooping glory. Well thats my on the fence story. tammyfrost 6 years ago from Oregon Author Thanks Susan for sharing your story. I hope my article helped you a little. I figured other people would be rescuing crows too. Good luck to you and one thing I regret is letting the crow go back without knowing if the other crows would help it or not. The Black crow we found was still not able to fly when we took him back to the bushes and trees. I hope your rescued black crow gets better. This morning at school, my son saw several seagulls attacking a crow in the sky. The crow came crashing to the ground, injuring its wing. He caught the bird, and managed to convince a teacher to run find something to put the bird in. After school, we brought the crow home built a quick cage out on the patio for him. When we put him inside of it, he went into some kind of shock just fell over I carefully placed him in the nest we built, and just as Id hoped he came around within a few minutes. He is now perched up on a branch and seems to be doing well. other than the wing. He seems to be fairly tame, and hasnt really shown any fear of us or made a single sound. Tomorrow well try to stabilize his wing with a gauze wrap, and hopefully hell be okay. Wish us luck theherbivorehippi 6 years ago from Holly, MI Very interesting I love crows lol I would have had to help it too. I am a sucker for helping any animal. Great story tammyfrost 6 years ago from Oregon Author Thanks Lily for reading my story, I added more detail to let you know what happened to the crow. My boyfriend just got back this morning to check on it again and he still cant find it. Hopefully it is with its family. Lily Rose 6 years ago from East Coast Great story. but what happened with the injured crow

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